Monday 3 October 2011

Numbers - Rachel Ward

Numbers - Rachel Ward


Jem is a fifteen year-old teenager who has been through a lot. Her mum died when Jem was seven from drug overdose. Her father, it appears, was never really in the picture. The other thing about Jem is that when she looks into someones eyes, she can see the date they will die.

She starts to get friendly with a boy called Spider who doesn't really have seemed to fit in to society very well. Together, they end up on the run, accused of being terrorists, but Jem can tell when Spider will die and it doesn't look like he has much longer to live...

This is an extremely well written book which deals with serious, realistic topics. The only thing was I did think there was an awful lot of running around and hiding, which dragged on slightly, but that is just my personal opinion. It was unpredictable and the plot was exciting. It was an emotional and sad novel but had a lot of depth to it. I would recomend this book to people who are interested in books which are true-to-life.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Cross My Heart - Sasha Gould

Cross My Heart

Sasha Gould

3 stars***

"Laura della Scala knows nothing beyond the Venetian convent walls that have bound her sinse she was twelve years old.

A single night will change her life...

Her father is a powerful man and has decided who she will marry. But Laura refuses to be trapped again and is determined to escape his rule. No matter what it takes, Laura will fight her arranged marriage in pesuit of a true, reckless love..."

This book was one which gave me a lot to think about.

It is all about secrets and how everything can revolve around them and it is a love story.

I liked it how people all helped eachother when they most needed it, even if they were not sure who to trust. Another reason I liked it was because it was gripping and brought up some interesting points.

I did feel that some bits were quite gory and that there was quite a few loose ends not properly tied up, but other than that, it was very good.

Running In Heels - Helen Baily

Running In Heels
Helen Bailey
4 stars****

"Daisy Davenpot has it all - stunning looks, a spectacular house, a seriously gorgeous boyfriend.

But when her father is sent to jail for corruption, Daisy's life is shattered. Forced to move into a kebab shop, she and her family have to reajust - fast.

And if life isn't hard enough already, Daisy's new school is a world away from her old one. And the school bully is going to make sure she remembers it..."

I enjoyed this book and it was a fun, easy read which I thought was quite ammusing in many parts. It is an exiting story all about self-confidence and friendship. The only thing that I didn't like and thought was slightly unrelistic was a part at the end where something (now I won't say what as it may spoil the book!) happened very fast and didn't make sense. It was also something which I doubt would ever really happen in real life.

It is a light, girly book which isn't going to challenge you but is nice as a wee break from reading lots of heavy stuff.

Monday 23 May 2011

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis

The Lion, the Wich and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis

5 stars*****

Aw... I love this book sooo much! It has to be one of my all-time-favourites!

Most people have probably read this book but if not, I'm sure you would love it too!

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy have been evacuated from London to live in the country-side during the 2nd World War.

As they are settling into the house, Lucy finds a wardobe, leading to the magical land of Narnia. All of the children eventually end up there and encounter some amazing, life-changing experiences!

The book is so well written and I could read this book over and over again (infact I have)!

It is so sweet and heart warming. If you have not read this book, then I thoroughly recomend you do!

Halo - By Alexandra Adornetto

Halo, Alexadra Adornetto
5 stars *****

Halo is about an angel, Bethany, who has been sent down to earth with her brother and sister to bring good to the world. She is the youngest out of the three, therefore the most human. But when she starts to fall in love with a human boy, the other angels are worried that she will not be able to complete the task. To make matters worse, there is someone trying to stop Bethany from succeeding...

I adored this book. The language used was beautiful and kept me captivated. The characters come alive on the pages and you can really feel how they are feeling. I also liked the authors style used and it is a book I would completely recomend.

The Good, The Bad and The Brilliant Books!

I love books. You can easily escape into them anytime you want, simply by picking it up. Some are not as good as others but many are FABULOUS! I've just started this blog with the help of Lucy Clark and Rachel Shedden (Follow them! They are two of the most awesome people in the world!) so I hope you like it! :)